Byrrill Creek Community Resilience Team ( BCCRT)

The Byrrill Creek Community Resilience team have been meeting in Byrrill Creek since November 2020.

April 4 2022

Hi Byrrill Creeker,

The Byrrill Creek Community can be prone to isolation in times of flood.  In the flood of February 28, 2022 our community was isolated and without power for 13 days.  This is not always the case, but the better you prepare, the easier that isolation will be.

The Byrrill Creek Community Resilience Team  BCCRT are on your side doing it “Byrrill Creek Style”.  We do not intend to become another beaurocracy- we just intend to keep everyone in contact and safe.  We have neighbourhood leaders or Street Coordinators in all areas of Byrrill Creek. They reach out to each person during disaster times to check in on you, to see if you have any needs and if they can help.   If they can’t solve a problem, they contact BCCRT leader ( Natascha Wernick) and  her buddy  (Callum Mckinnon).  BCCRT members now have short range UHF radios if other systems fail. If our BC community can’t solve the problem, then our BCCRT leaders contact SES, RFS, Red Cross etc. This is of great help to outside organisations, who are invariably understaffed and very busy.

Communication comes down the tree also. They do road reports regularly and hear often from Jack Frost-SES, etc. 

It is imperative that you let us know you are okay or evacuating in times of disaster. This can save lives and time.

It is also important that new residents introduce themselves to the neighbourhood and to their local BCCRT neighbourhood leader, to familiarize themselves with local risks of fire and floods, learnt from previous experience.  

Handy Links

Byrrill Creek Area Peeps Messenger group

Great for checking real time road and flood info from BC community members.   Not on Facebook? Check with your neighbourhood leader about how you can get info from them.

BOM Palmers Road River level.

At Byrrill Creek, we watch the Palmers Rd river level gauge. The Byrrill Creek Road Bridge  becomes impassable around the 5m mark.  On Feb 28 2022 it almost reached the 10 m mark!


Look here for info about who your neighbourhood leader is and our latest BCCRT initiatives.

Friends of Byrrill Creek Facebook Group

Caldera Community Emergency Support

Our Goal is

to increase community resilience and recovery.

Our mission is

to support one another to effectively work together and communicate in the event of natural disasters

Using the Red Cross Community Resilience Team model we have divided our community into neighborhoods and have leaders for each neighborhood.

Neighbours communicate and connect with each other and their BCCRT neighborhood leader. The BCCRT neighborhood leaders then connect with the BCCRT leader.

In times of emergency, the BCCRT leader and Buddy ( Natascha Wernick and Callum Mckinnon) coordinate and communicate with the Care and Combat services- SES, RFS, TSC, ADF, Police – to help coordinate rescue and recovery and keep communication, mapping, resilience needs and initiatives activated.

Our BCCRT Current initiatives

  • Mapping and connecting residents, identifying their special needs, emergency resources and also their capacities that might help in emergency.
  • Establishing a “phone tree” system for times of emergency, with leaders in each area of Byrrill Ck
  • Improving Community Awareness, through fundraising, information gathering and contact with teams, and public events such as the February21 fete 2021 at Clarrie Hall Dam.
  • Improving IT Communication, through purchase of VHF Radio Base Stations and establishment of communications bases.
  • Monitoring and marking river and crossing heights and disseminating information re progress of same to the Uki Flood as well as the Byrrill Creek FB groups
  • Establishing appropriate signage re  map, emergency contacts, information sources, road conditions along  Byrrill Ck Rd.

Resident Mapping

We are continuously mapping our BYRRILL CREEK community to enable an understanding of member’s, needs, resources, and skills.

If you are in the Byrrill Creek Community and have not submitted a resident information form or connected with your neighborhood leader, it is never too late. This mapping will continue to be updated.

Our Neighbourhood Leaders

Download your Byrrill Creek Resident’s Information form here and email us once completed.

Connect with us

BCCRT Leader Natascha Wernick


Phone/sms : 0412 980 063

BCCRT Leader Natascha Wernick