

Living with Prolonged Stress.

Managing prolonged stress during the Fire Season: Written by Karen Challand Registered Nurse. The more prepared we are, the more ...

Sugar Cane Fires

IF YOU ARE WONDERING why cane fires are allowed during fire emergencies it's because the farmers obtain permits. On site ...

Fire Danger Season Do’s and Don’ts

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES Let’s have a chinwag about what you should and shouldn’t be using during ...


Uki RFS Public Meeting

This is the link to the YouTube 25 minute video taken at the Uki Hall, Wednesday evening, 11. 12. 2019.  ...

Property Preparation

compiled by Dr. James Alexander WHAT I'VE LEARNT ABOUT FIRE PROTECTION AFTER LISTENING TO EXPERTS * The safest place to ...

Note to Firefighters

Some information that may be helpful to leave for RFS crews if you leave/evacuate your property: - Your contact details ...

Fire Preparation

Tips by Madeleine Murray Here are a few tips for preparing for a fire (beyond what is available on the ...

Property Protection (NSW RFS)

Prepare your home A well prepared home is more likely to survive a bush fire. Even if your plan is ...

Fire Preparation

Videos by Shane Williams, Fire Fighter Bush Fire Property Preparation tips by local Firie. Part 1 video - approx. 10.30 ...

Fire Preparation

Tips by Madeleine Murray Here are a few tips for preparing for a fire (beyond what is available on the ...

Gas Cylinder & Water Pumps

Gas Cylinder Bushfire Safety by Elgas - Video Tips by Paul Hunter  I purchased a single impeller Onga firefighting pump ...


Living with Prolonged Stress.

Managing prolonged stress during the Fire Season: Written by Karen Challand Registered Nurse. The more prepared we are, the more ...

Safety When in Fire

Extracted from my Essential Bushfire Safety Tips (CSIRO 2012), Although data states that 2/3 of Black Saturday fatalities died ...


Community Recovery

Below is a link to information issued after the fires around Uki in 2019. Community Recovery Information Information sheet on ...

Health and Safety when Returning home after a bushfire You must be cautious when returning to your property. Check with local emergency services that it is safe and ...