
For all medical emergencies dial Triple Zero (000) immediately and ask for Ambulance.

Burns can cause extreme pain and scarring. Learn how to minimise the risk of burns by following this simple advice.

Preventing Burns

Check bath water before placing a child in the bath to ensure it is a safe temperature.
Do not smoke around children but if you do, always make sure cigarettes are extinguished.
Never leave children alone in a bath.
Install fire guards on open fires and heaters.
Keep hot liquids out of children’s reach. A hot cup of coffee or tea can cause severe burns.
Dress children in garments marked ‘Low Fire Danger’ and avoid loose fitting clothes.
Do not leave saucepan handles hanging over the edge of a stove.
Never leave fires or heaters unattended.
Never leave children unattended in a room with a fire.
Have fire extinguishers and fire blankets easily accessible in the house.
Develop a simple fire escape plan for your household and make sure it is displayed in a prominent position.
Teach children fire safety from an early age.
Install and regularly check smoke detectors.

If a person is burnt

Dial Triple Zero (000) immediately and ask for Ambulance.
Cool the burn area constantly with plenty of cool running water while waiting for the Ambulance.
This should be done for no less than 20 minutes.
DO NOT apply ointment, cream or butter to the affected area.
If possible remove rings and jewellery from burn areas.

First steps when a burn happens

A burn is an injury to the skin from something hot – a heater, oven, hot drink or boiling water in a kettle or saucepan. Scalds are the most common burn among children. They’re caused by hot liquids.
If your child gets a burn or scald, first make sure the area is safe and there is no risk of further injury to your child or yourself. Take your child to a safe place if possible.
If the burn or scald is over your child’s clothing, remove the clothing immediately, if it isn’t stuck to the burn. Remove watches or jewellery. Leave any blisters alone.

First aid treatment

Treat the burn under running water for 20 minutes. Do this straight away. This treatment is still useful up to three hours after the burn.
Cool the burn, not the child. If the burn is large, stop cooling it after 20 minutes. This is because hypothermia can happen quickly in children.
Cover the burn with a loose, light, non-sticky dressing such as plastic wrap or a clean, wet cloth. Raise burned limbs.

When to get medical attention

Don’t apply ice, iced water, lotions, moisturisers, oil, ointments, creams or powders to the burn. Butter or flour can make the damage worse.
Call an ambulance if the burn is to your child’s face, airway, hands or genitals, or if the burn is larger than the size of your child’s hand.
Go to a doctor or hospital if the burn is the size of a 20-cent piece or larger, or if it’s deep, raw, angry or blistered. Also go if the pain persists or is severe, or you’re not sure how bad the burn is.

For all medical emergencies dial Triple Zero (000) immediately and ask for Ambulance


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