Fire Preparation

Tips by Madeleine Murray

Here are a few tips for preparing for a fire (beyond what is available on the excellent RFS site). They are random things I (Madeleine Murray) have discovered in the last few weeks. Most important: go to

This is a great site. You choose from 4 options: Leave early; Prepare to Stay; We don’t have a plan; Unsure.

You choose your option, then the site then takes you through the steps needed to follow that plan. It is very clear. There are clear steps and checklists to follow.

There is also an excellent hard copy pack with work sheets for each step to prepare your farm.

The NSW RFS has a free service called Aider, which is a one-off offer to help the elderly (over 65), infirm and disabled prepare their house for a fire. The phone number is (02) 8741 4955 to register. Unfortunately there is a delay at the moment as the brigade is busy fighting fires.  Soaker hoses

I put them along my western verandah and along the western ridge of the roof. I had cleaned my gutters and stuffed a sock filled with sand into the top of the downpipes. If and when the fire approaches, I can turn on the taps and wet down the vulnerable side of the house.

Preparing your things

Use this cooler, calmer weather to work on your house and plan preparations. The better prepared you are, the more confident and relaxed you will feel.

I have a few boxes of important/special things in the car and by the door. I have put red dots on things I am using but need to take in a last minute situation.


If you can afford insurance, please get it now. If you already have it, check that your policy is up to date and that your house is insured for its current value. In some cases, you can increase your insurance if your house is not in the danger zone.

Static water supply

If you have a pool, dam, or creek, it’s important to register that with the RFS.

If you have a pool, tank or dam with more than 3,000 litre capacity and wish to be part of the SWS Program, please contact your local Fire Control Centre or email, with your name, phone number, address, postcode, local government area.


Get on Facebook, get your friends on Facebook to keep up to date with what’s going on, where to get help, where to offer help.

Fire buddy

If possible, try and get a fire buddy – someone that would be willing to help you in an emergency.

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